Video: Ukrainian deputy detonates grenades inside council meeting
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Video: Ukrainian deputy detonates grenades inside council meeting

A Ukrainian deputy unleashed a barrage of grenades within the confines of the Keretsky village council. The aftermath was nothing short of devastating, with 26 individuals bearing the brunt of the explosion.

Among them, six individuals fought for their lives in critical condition, while doctors tirelessly worked to resuscitate the very person who triggered this catastrophic event.

Promptly at 11.37, line 102 crackled with a distressing message, revealing the grim reality that unfolded during a session meeting at the Keretsky Council in Mukachevo district. 

Initial reports indicate that the detonation claimed the life of the individual responsible for igniting the fuse, while 11 others suffered varying degrees of injuries. However, as the dust settled, the true extent of the tragedy was unveiled. The National Police provided an update, disclosing that a staggering 26 individuals had been harmed, and of these, six clung to life in grave condition.

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