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Static classes and inner classes in Java by StuffsEarth

Compile Listings 5 and 6 as follows:

javac *.java

When you compile a class whose method contains a local class, the compiler creates a class file for the local class whose name consists of its enclosing class’s name, a dollar-sign character, a 1-based integer, and the local class’s name. In this case, compiling results in EnclosingClass$1LClass.class and EnclosingClass.class.

A note about local class file name

When generating a name for a local class’s class file, the compiler adds an integer to the generated name. This integer is probably generated to distinguish a local class’s class file from a non-static member class’s class file. If two local classes have the same name, the compiler increments the integer to avoid conflicts. Consider the following example:

public class EnclosingClass
    public void m1()
       class LClass

    public void m2()
       class LClass

    public void m3()
       class LClass2

EnclosingClass declares three instance methods that each declare a local class. The first two methods generate two different local classes with the same name. The compiler generates the following class files:


Run the application as follows:

java LCDemo

You should observe the following output:


Example: Using local classes in regular expressions

The standard class library includes examples of local class usage. For example, the Matcher class, in java.util.regex, provides a results() method that returns a stream of match results. This method declares a MatchResultIterator class for iterating over these results:

public Stream results()
   class MatchResultIterator implements Iterator
      // members
   return StreamSupport.
          stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(new MatchResultIterator(),
                                                     Spliterator.ORDERED |

Note the instantiation of MatchResultIterator() following the class declaration. Don’t worry about parts of the code that you don’t understand; instead, think about the usefulness in being able to declare classes in the appropriate scopes (such as a method body) to better organize your code.

Inner class type 3: Anonymous classes

Static member classes, non-static member classes, and local classes have names. In contrast, anonymous classes are unnamed nested classes. You introduce them in the context of expressions that involve the new operator and the name of either a base class or an interface that is implemented by the anonymous class:

// subclass the base class

abstract class Base
   // members

class A
   void m()
      Base b = new Base()
                 // members

// implement the interface

interface I
   // members

class B
   void m()
      I i = new I()
               // members

The first example demonstrates an anonymous class extending a base class. Expression new Base() is followed by a pair of brace characters that signify the anonymous class. The second example demonstrates an anonymous class implementing an interface. Expression new I() is followed by a pair of brace characters that signify the anonymous class.

Anonymous classes are useful for expressing functionality that’s passed to a method as its argument. For example, consider a method for sorting an array of integers. You want to sort the array in ascending or descending order, based on comparisons between pairs of array elements. You might duplicate the sorting code, with one version using the less than () operator for one order, and the other version using the greater than (>) operator for the opposite order. Alternatively, as shown below, you could design the sorting code to invoke a comparison method, then pass an object containing this method as an argument to the sorting method.

Listing 7. Using an anonymous class to pass functionality as a method argument (

public abstract class Comparer
   public abstract int compare(int x, int y);

The compare() method is invoked with two integer array elements and returns one of three values: a negative value if x is less than y, 0 if both values are the same, and a positive value if x is greater than y. Listing 8 presents an application whose sort() method invokes compare() to perform the comparisons.

Listing 8. Sorting an array of integers with the Bubble Sort algorithm (

public class ACDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int[] a = { 10, 30, 5, 0, -2, 100, -9 };
      sort(a, new Comparer()
                     public int compare(int x, int y)
                        return x - y;
      int[] b = { 10, 30, 5, 0, -2, 100, -9 };
      sort(b, new Comparer()
                     public int compare(int x, int y)
                        return y - x;

   static void dump(int[] x)
      for (int i = 0; i  pass; i--)
            if ([i], x[pass]) 

The main() method reveals two calls to its companion sort() method, which sorts an array of integers via the Bubble Sort algorithm. Each call receives an integer array as its first argument, and a reference to an object created from an anonymous Comparer subclass as its second argument. The first call achieves an ascending order sort by subtracting y from x; the second call achieves a descending order sort by subtracting x from y.

Compile Listings 7 and 8 as follows:

javac *.java

When you compile a class whose method contains an anonymous class, the compiler creates a class file for the anonymous class whose name consists of its enclosing class’s name, a dollar-sign character, and an integer that uniquely identifies the anonymous class. In this case, compiling results in ACDemo$1.class and ACDemo$2.class in addition to ACDemo.class.

Run the application as follows:

java ACDemo

You should observe the following output:

10 30 5 0 -2 100 -9
-9 -2 0 5 10 30 100
100 30 10 5 0 -2 -9

Example: Using anonymous classes with an AWT event handler

Anonymous classes can be used with many packages in the standard class library. For this example, we’ll use an anonymous class as an event handler in the Abstract Windowing Toolkit or Swing Windowing Toolkit. The following code fragment registers an event handler with Swing’s JButton class, which is located in the javax.swing package. JButton describes a button that performs an action (in this case printing a message) when clicked.

JButton btnClose = new JButton("close");
btnClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
                                  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                                     System.out.println("close button clicked");

The first line instantiates JButton, passing close as the button label to JButton‘s constructor. The second line registers an action listener with the button. The action listener’s actionPerformed() method is invoked whenever the button is clicked. The object passed to addActionListener() is instantiated from an anonymous class that implements the java.awt.event.ActionListener interface.


Java’s nesting capabilities help you organize non-top-level reference types. For top-level reference types, Java provides packages. The next Java 101 tutorial introduces you to packages and static imports in Java.

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