Nifty smallcap 250 surged 1.24 per cent in the month of August, 16.28 per cent over the last 3months
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Nifty smallcap up 52% in 12 months, outperforms Nifty 50; IT, healthcare top gainers in August

All broad-based indices closed relatively flat but still delivered positive returns. The Nifty smallcap 250 surged 1.24% in the month of August, 16.28% over the last three months, 21.42% over the past 6months and 52.29% over the year. 

The Nifty Microcap 250 has surged 1.17% in the month of August, 21.60% over the last three months, 24.20% over the past six months and 58.01% over the past year. The Nifty 50 has surged 1.14% in the month of August, 12.01% over the last three months, 18.14% over the past six months and 40.24% over the past year.

The Nifty 500 has experienced a growth of 12.47% over the past 3 months, 22.23% over the past 6 months, and a one-year growth change of 54.60%. The Nifty Next 50 has shown a growth of 11.48% over the past 3 months, 27.61% over the past 6 months, and 69.49% over the past year.

The Nifty Midcap 150 has experienced a 13.55% surge over the past 3 months, 22.96% growth over the past 6 months, and a 49.22% increase over the past year.

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