Dawood Ibrahim, underworld gangster, neither poisoned nor dead: Sources
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Dawood Ibrahim, underworld gangster, neither poisoned nor dead: Sources

Amid speculation about the alleged poisoning and hospitalisation of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim in Pakistan, credible intelligence sources have debunked these rumours, which emerged on social media on December 17.

The unfounded claims gained traction following a late-night video from a Pakistani YouTuber, who, relying on unverified social media reports, speculated on Ibrahim’s poisoning and hospitalisation.

The YouTuber further connected these rumours to an abrupt internet shutdown in Pakistan. However, authoritative sources dismissed these assertions, attributing the connectivity disruptions to a virtual meeting of the opposition Pakistan-Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Notably, Netblocks, an internet watchdog monitoring global internet freedom, released metrics indicating significant restrictions on major social media platforms in Pakistan for approximately seven hours on Sunday evening.

This time frame coincided with an online political gathering of PTI.

Addressing the incident, Netblocks stated, “The incident is consistent with previous instances of internet censorship targeting opposition leader Imran Khan and his party PTI.”


Despite international sanctions, Dawood Ibrahim and his family have enjoyed the hospitality of Pakistan’s deep state for several decades.

Revealing insights into Ibrahim’s lifestyle emerge from intercepted calls between the ‘D Company’ leader and his associate Farooq.

In a previously undisclosed conversation accessed by India Today, Ibrahim is heard directing his associate Farooq to procure Louis Vuitton (LV) shoes for him from a store in Jeddah.

During the intercepted call, Ibrahim specifies, ‘My size is 42, consider it number 9.’

The gangster explains the UK and EU size differences. A reference was also made by the UN-designated global fugitive about his past shopping experience in Jeddah. Farooq informs his boss about his plans to leave for Mecca after the Friday prayers the next day and return to Pakistan on Sunday. Dawood Ibrahim also asked him to bring holy Zamzam water.

Another undated conversation that involves his first wife Maizabin and one of Ibrahim’s unidentified associates whom she identified as a ‘brother-like figure’ indicates planning a trip that involves Pakistani Rupees. 2 lakh as makeup budget.

She was assured by the person that the expenses for makeup would be taken care of. She is also heard telling the person that she has identified another LV bag worth 1.40 lakh United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) and a shawl worth 10 lakh.

This revelation sheds light on the luxurious preferences of the fugitive, even as he and his network navigate the complexities of international scrutiny and sanctions. Absconding from Indian law enforcement agencies and evading global sanctions, 67-year-old Ibrahim is believed to be involved in activities such as international narcotics smuggling, illegal arms trade, real estate, money laundering and terrorism.

Published By:

Aditi Sharma

Published On:

Dec 18, 2023

Reference :
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